Thursday, January 26, 2006

So what is the work of the Church in today's world?

This question comes to surface after reading a quote from a famous preacher Billy Sunday who said "I believe that lack of effecient personal work is one of the failures of the Church today. The people of the Church are like squirrels in a cage. Lots of activity, but accomplishing nothing . It doesn't require a Christian life to sell oyster soup or run a bazaar or a rummage sale..."
So what does this tell us about the life of the Church in today's world? In what areas do you see weaknesses in the Church today?


  1. I wonder how many squirrels chose to be in the cage? Squirrels would not be in a cage by their own choice. Christians, all choose to be in fellowship with one another... Let's not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing...

    Several squirrels live in the trees right outside my back window and I marvel at the "activity" that I see... They are very busy. Running from tree to tree and jumping from roof to roof, but there is a reason they do these things, it is survival. Searching for nuts, cracking them open, eating them, storing them up for winter - Lord give them this day, their daily "nut". Sometimes, when selling oysters, having bazaars, sales or other fundraisers the goal becomes the money instead of purpose of the funds. When you take your eyes off of Christ, your purpose fades into activity that you choose to do instead of what Christ wants to do through you.

    Activity is a good thing - without it we as individuals and a church atrophy. However, for the church, activity without a God given invitation is self-centered and not meaningful and lasting work...

  2. I think the bigest weakness in the church today is tolerance and lack of discipleship! People not only come to activities and leave as untouched as when they got their, but now people more and more just show up to church for entertainment. They will sit through awesome worship and an intense sermon and miss the whole point that it is more than justa Sunday thing! Just my opinion with my many years of church experience.
