Monday, August 03, 2009

Concerning Alcoholic Beverages

Concerning Alcoholic Beverages I came across this article and found it to be quite interesting! Did Jesus really drink wine? Should a Christian drink alcohol? Does scripture play anypart in your choice to drink or not to drink? Looking forward to your response.

Way of the Pastor,
Joe Drew

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  1. From my understanding the wine that is being served today does not go through the same process of fermentation as did the wine in the Bible Days/era. However I choose not to drink due to all the health risks. I also choose not to drink anymore due to experiences I've had and the gateways to different drugs and other spirits that can be opened.

  2. Thanks for your response (Ananymous) sounds like you are making some good choices concerning alcohol. So what you are saying is that for you there are enough reasons "not" to consume alcohol without having to go to the scriptures to make that choice? Interesting.

    Way of the Pastor,
    Joe Drew

  3. To me, alcohol is like anything in can be abused and placed above God. If abused, it causes problems in your life. Did you know that if you drink too much orange juice, your skin will actually turn orange/yellow? If you drink too much water you can drown. If you have too much oxygen you can pass out or die.

    The alcohol in itself is not sinful. The human heart is what brings sin into the equation. If you are a person who falls easily into the temptation of drinking too much and letting it control you, then I would recommend never drinking.

    Personally, I have maybe 12 beers in a year. Just once in a while I crave the taste of it.

  4. I think it's different for everyone... Listen, God may actually ask you not to drink. (After all, He still talks to you, whether you listen or not)

    John 1:15 says, "For he will be great in the sight of the Lord; and he will drink no wine or liquor, and he will be filled with the Holy Spirit while yet in his mother’s womb." For John the baptist it was that he should be without it.. Why I'm not totally sure, but he was to be without it for whatever reason. Sometimes God has you forgo things you just don't need in your life. After all, Who knows you more intimately?

    In the battle!

