Tuesday, July 05, 2011

What Should the Church Teach About Alcohol?

First of all, I would have to say "What should the church teach about a good many other things..." Gossip, Lust, Lying, Adultery, Overeating...the list goes on. I am not saying we make this a soap box issue, however, I do see the lines blured when it comes to the teaching of what we do with alcohol as Christians! What do you see the Bible saying about this issue? What scripture do you use to justify or abstain from alcohol? Watch this video below with some heavy hitters giving their take on this topic...then leave a comment and let's discuss this!!!

Teaching Your Children about Alcohol from Harvest Bible Chapel on Vimeo.

Way of the Pastor,
Joe Drew


  1. I think the bigger picture here is that we don't become legalistic...as an individual you must read/study the Word and let the Spirit guide you as you walk your Christian walk. Speaking for myself, I will have a beer or glass of wine with dinner or when in a gathering with friends. However, I do not drink to get drunk nor do I get drunk when I drink. I have enough self control to know my limits.

  2. Bryan, what are your thoughts on your witness? What do you think about the principle "what you do in moderation, others will do in excess?" Is that part of your decision making process when you have one beer? Just wondering as it is part of mine as a pastor.
