Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Another Secret Message of Jesus?

Brian McLaren may be one of the most controversial figures in evangelical Christianity today. Though many pastors and thinkers have referred to his writing as “refreshing”, even “compelling”, his detractors have decried him on blogs and from the pulpit as “misguided” or worse, “heretical.” Known famously, or infamously, for his “generous orthodoxy”, McLaren’s views have found him favor with a group of like-minded Christians who loosely call themselves the “emerging church”, while setting him at odds with many self-described fundamentalists. Now Brain has arrived again with what he considers to be the culmination of all his thinking and writing, his most recent book, The Secret Message of Jesus.

Not too sure what to think about all this secret message stuff? With all of the Gospel of Judas and other claims concerning Christ...we have another secret message of Jesus? I've read a couple of books from Brian and enjoyed them! Not too sure that I agree with everything he says, but his books are challenging and from a different point of view! So what have your experiences been with Brian McLaren's material? What about the "Emerging Church?" What about their evengelism methods? Has McLaren really stumbled onto something secret that no one else has figured out in the last 2000 years? Or is his title another way to sell his book to the "DiVinci disciple" society, who believes all these hidden things of Jesus Christ because someone who's initials start with Dan Brown, wrote a book? Well, I must go for now, however, I am interested in hearing your opinion!

Way of the Pastor,


  1. I don't have a comment, just wanted to say hi!!

  2. Well said Steve-o. Although I am not convinced with the "Emerging" wave, right now due to taking a step back and looking at what the "emerging" movement stands for! I'm enjoying my journey as a Senior Pastor, with new challenges daily of how to continue moving as the Body of Christ! I will be posting more soon about the "Emerging" movement! Thanks for the input bud!

    Way of the Pastor
    Joey D

  3. I applaud Steve's comments. Brian is a shot in the arm to the church that is emerging. He brings a good dose of truth & love to the conversation, which is all too often a rare dose we hear & see. When one becomes a figurehead like Mclaren you are bound to have fans as well as detractors. I had lunch recently with a spiritual elder friend of mine who shared his sincere concern for the church in regards to the watered-down gospel that he feels Rick Warren is feeding the church. You will always have disagreement & conflict and I sincerely invite it if it is done with a good heart in search for truth & love.

    I have many thoughts on the state of the church right now....many of which I'm not sure I ready to commit to words. I will say this, though, my thoughts are that the emerging church movement is taking/accepting the baton from the megachurch movement that we saw lead the way the past 20 years. Joel, Ricky, & Billy, are doing great things in & for the Kingdom; but I think even they would say that Brian, Rob, Dan & Erwin are ones that will lead the charge in the coming decades.

    As far as the Davinci Code and all the other books traveling on its coat tails, I say bring it on! Out of bad theology can come great conversations about the life of faith & about the life of Christ. I cannot begin to tell you about the numerous conversations I have had just in these last 6 months about faith & spirituality with my unchurched & dechurched friends that came by way of talking about the Davinci Code.

    I have only taken one un/dechurched friend with me to the Vineyard; but countless conversations with a plethora of friends on the life of faith. Evangelism takes on many forms and has multiple stages of existence depending on the specific relationship. ...Evangelism is a term I hardly even use anymore...this being the first time I've used it in months actually. The point is that no matter how you do it, if you are trying to do it, most likely you will suck at it. Sharing the love of God with people...or my favorite definition of helping people discover & become the person God created them to not something you try to. To try carries an idea of forced, contrived, manipulation, duty. Extending the grace & mercy of God to people needs to flow out of a heart filled with a natural desire...a natural desire that the person on the other side of the mixer from you (personal context) is missing out so much because she is not experiencing an eternal (qualitative as well as quantitative) life.

    ...That's all I have to say about that...for now.

    BTW, I'm currently reading "The Mystery of Christ ... & Why We Don't Get It" by Robert Farrar Capon. Good read! I leave you with a thought that is a no-brainer but one I never really thought of in the way he expresses it: "Heaven is populated entirely by forgiven sinners, not spiritual and moral aces. And hell is populated entirely by forgiven sinners. The only difference between the two groups is that those in heaven accept the forgiveness and those in hell reject it. Which is why heaven is a party - the endless wedding reception of the Lamb and his bride - and hell is nothing but the dreariest bar in town."

    Helping People Live the Sweet Life,


  4. Neil,
    Good stuff! I also enjoy intelligent conversation with sopme old compadres! You expounded on the whole evangelism issue! Personal question here, and enlighten me please! Whe you witness, evangelize, or share your you ever use the words hell, judgment, and sin? Just wondering?

    Way of the Pastor,

  5. Steve, excomunication! Ha! However, I will be revisiting this subject soon! Be on the look-out! Dude why do you never post on your blog? I've been waiting!!

