Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Pastor Joe's Discover, Develop, Do Challenge #1

It is so easy to consume your mind with what others are thinking of you? This breeds fear and idleness. We end up being a people who are too afriad to do anything, as we might offend or be rejected. So we abandon practices like tough love, disagrement, confrontation, or simply speaking the truth. This effects how we teach, preach, live, talk, converse, and engage with society! In Acts chapter 4 we see Peter and John combat this temptation to pipe down and quit rocking the boat! I wonder what would have happened if they would have taken the advice of those around them and wallowed in the mindset of "well...we tried?" Instead they voiced a prayer like no other in Acts 4:24-30 After this prayer the Bible tells us that the ground shook, the Holy Spirit arrived and Peter and John went out with a fresh sense of boldness. So to you I ask what is keeping you from shaking the ground where you live? What is keeping you from speaking the word of God boldly? What prayer do you need to pray to end the paralysis of fear, doubt, or worry- in order to become the person God created you to be?

Way of the Pastor,
Joe Drew

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