Friday, May 02, 2008

What Are You Made Of?

What a question to ask not only of each other but to ourselves as well. We assume alot about others and what they are made of based on what we see: their words and actions! But did you know that God sees even further than that and he does not have to assume anything about what you and I are made of? Scripture tells us that God can see our thoughts and that He knows the hearts of man! That statement alone should make us stop and examine the things that we think, say, and do! For the last couple of weeks I have preched about our thoughts and our words, leaving this Sunday to talk about our actions!

Doesn't that seem like the missing piece? Our actions! In today's world people think alot of stuff they don't mean and they say a lot of things they will never do! This rings true inside the church and outside the church. So what about the church? What about those who claim to be followers of Jesus Christ? Notice I said "claim" those who "profess" Christianity with their words; these are the ones I will spot light on Sunday morning! I believe that some Christians are MIA: Missing In Action. They are missing out on the actions that God desires of us to show the world His kindness which His Word tells us can lead others to repentance.

So think about it! Why do you do what you do? Why don't you do the things you know you should?! Remember, this world is tired of hearing a message of hope that we so blatantly take advantage of by advertising lives of mediocrity and indifference. So this week, make an honest effort to catch your "actions" up with everything you "say" and "think" in Christ!

Sundays coming...

Senior Pastor,
Joe Drew


  1. Isn't if funny that I quoted the very scripture on my blog that goes right along with this? Romans 7:15 reads, "For what I am doing, I do not understand; for I am not practicing what I would like to do, but I am doing the very thing I hate."

    Somehow we get caught in the trap of doing the very thing we hate! We don't mean to be doing the wrong thing, but at times we can allow sin to rule part of our lives.

    I couldn't agree more about actions. People are watching what you do. If you act like a complete jerk to people, they will tend to think you aren't a Christian at all!

  2. Butch good point. Go over to and give that sermon a listen to! I talk about what you just said...we allow sin to rule parts of our lives sometimes due to the fact that we only gave Jesus access to parts of our lives. Think about the two different kinds of people: 1) those who add Jesus Christ to their life...for Jesus to be a part of their lives and 2) those who do not make Jesus a part of their life...instead they make Jesus their whole life! What a difference in terminology! I am not entertaining the idea that someone who has given their whole life to Christ never sins, just that they don't have to be in bondage anymore...just like in Chris Tomlin's version of Amazing Grace "my chains are gone, I've been set free, my God, my Savior, has ransomed me." Although a Christian may sin they do not have to be in bondage to sin! He will break all of our chains! Priase God!

    Way of the Pastor,
    Joe Drew
