Saturday, March 12, 2011

Can Christians Get Tattoos?

So what are your thoughts? We have heard the answer to the question "Can Christians get tattoos?" But what about the question "Should Christians get tattoos? For those of you who have tattoos..."What made you decide to?" and for those of you who do not have a tattoo..."What keeps you from getting one?" Are there any limits to how many tattoos? Should a pastor get a tattoo? Should I get a tattoo? Well I tell you what if I get "50 comments" on this post I will think about getting a tattoo?

Way of the Pastor,
Joe Drew

1 comment:

  1. Well Joe I have two. I have mmy wedding ring tat that hurt like a bugger. I got it after I broke my real ring about 3 times. i just dont like wearing a ring every day. The secound one I have on my right upper arm. It is of a cross made out of Jesus name breaking through the mits of smoke and flames. It also has Isaiah 43:2. This tat brings together my love for christ and my service in the fire dept. I thought long and hard before getting bothe tats. It took about 5 years between each tat. I am not big on showing them off. If some one ask about them I tell them what they mean to me and move on. I dont think that it is good for people to get tats and brag about them. Our focus is on Christ not our selves. If my youth in my youth group ask i tell them to respect their parents. I agree with the speeker, as long as your under their house live my their rules.

    Just my two cents
    Scott Grey
