Wednesday, March 09, 2011

A "Must Listen" video

What will matter most when you are breaths away from eternity? Enjoy!

Way of the Pastor,
Joe Drew


  1. God smiled Jesus being crushed? Don't think any kind of smirk was on the face of God, while Jesus was being tortured. This guy is a little off. There is truth in his video, but that statement about God smiling at the crushing of Jesus is not something that I think is consitent with scripture.

  2. Bamba,

    I think the video is right on. All through scripture you see a under-current and it is this; The love of God saves you from the wrath of God.
    If our sin is a "debit" who is the debtor? ... It's God... So who paid that debit... Jesus.
    This will really mess with your brain.. That Jesus didn't die for you first.. Firstly he died for God, paying the debit for sin, secondly he died and rose again for our sins.
    So Jesus satisfied the wrath of God and payed in Full the debit of sin.
    So what do you think happend when Jesus satisfied the Fathers wrath on man?... Possibly a smile? :)

  3. His use of the word "smile" is a human characteristic that he chose for 'please'. God was in the crucified death of Jesus Christ. His sacrifice was the final sacrifice that paid all past, present, and future that once we are saved (truly saved) in Jesus Christ...we are forgiven by His blood. All in all a great video that makes me more thankful...more humble...more aware of how great a salvation we have in Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior...our King! :o)
