Thursday, March 17, 2011

Jonathan David Helser | You're Never Giving Up

This is the most inspirational, moving, spontaneous song of passion I have ever heard! If a person could sing a sermon, this is what it would sound like! Thank God that he promised never to leave us...I need Him/desire Him more today than I did yesterday!

Way of the Pastor,
Joe Drew


  1. See, here is the problem with your blog. I would totally dialog with you, but I don't want to have to watch videos. So shape it up!! :)

  2. Alyson...don't be lazy (ha) just watch the video's. Video's are just my style when it comes to blogs! I am not as concerned about the dialog as I am about content. I hate going to a blog and it is just words...blah. Mine has both!!

  3. Wow! If this type of worship and passion doesn't stir your soul to desire Him more...then I would be questioning if I even knew Him at all. Do we really understand how much the Father loves us? If we lack understanding...does our lack of it push us to run harder and harder after Him? It does me! Thanks for the vid, Joe!
