Tuesday, March 01, 2011

Moral Relativism

When someone says that morality is person to person relative and that their opinion is of no more value than the next person's opinion they have officially forfeited using words like "should" or "ought" as this assumes there is a way things "should" or "ought" to be. C.S. Lewis would point out that you can't call something crooked unless you what straight is.

The natural consequences of Ben's denial and suppression of God's moral law is futility and irrationally (Rom. 1:18,21). Something within him (Rom. 2:15) tells him that certain act are absolutely wrong, but he can't make sense of it outside of God, which ultimately puts him in a camp where a child molester's moral judgments are admittedly just as valuable as his own!- this video and commentary taken from www.livingwatersonthebox.blogspot.com
So it goes without saying that the idea/concept/belief of moral relativism is around every corner these days on an epidemic level. I will go even as far to say that moral relativism is even found in our churches, our youth groups, and our college age ministries. So what are your thoughts? How do you deal with moral relativism or how have you seen moral relativism displayed in your community? It's all to funny that those who believe in moral relativism don't believe in right or wrong until you steal their wallet! Ha!

Way of the Pastor,
Joe Drew

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