Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Rob Bell...Seriously part 2

Here is an interview of Rob Bell concerning his views on Heaven & Hell in light of his new book "Love Wins."

Rob Bell obviously is confused about Hell and who goes there. He makes a statement in this interview, "What about the people who have never heard of Jesus?" Seriously Rob?? No one will go to hell because they haven't heard of Jesus Christ. The heathen will go to hell for murder, rape, adultery, lust, theft, lying. ect. Sin is not FAILING to HEAR the GOSPEL. Rather, sin is the transgression of the Law "Everyone who sins is breaking God's law, for all sin is contrary to the law of God." 1 John 3:4.

Way of the Pastor,
Joe Drew

1 comment:

  1. Ive loved Rob Bell in so many ways.

    In his Nooma videos he seemed to capture the heart and love of God.

    In Velvet Elvis, he rightly so, challenged us to think outside the box about God and question ourselves as to what had become BELIEF based only on our history.

    In Velvet Elvis, he had me captivated with his ambiguity, because I felt these were things we needed to discuss! We needed AND NEED to talk about our dogma, our beliefs, what is simple CHURCH stuff and what is REAL GOD!

    However, his ambiguity/elusiveness is several years old now and has grown tiresome.

    At one time, I thought Rob was simply trying to start a good conversation that was needed, now I am no longer sure -- because YEARS later, he still wont simply 'fess up and talk straight.

    So I'm done spending time on his teachings.

    HOWEVER -- I believe this guy truly loves God and loves people. I just think he is quite confused on some CORE BELIEFS (But I cant be sure of that! --see above)

    So, pray for him but I wouldn't spend anymore time on him. And please don't trash him.

    Todd Vance - rock on.
